Mental illness are brain disorders. Every psychiatric problem has a correlation with the brain chemicals, neuroplasticity and neuronal connections…. Difficult to understand right?

Let me break this down. Everyone has stress but everyone does not have depression. Worries are common but anxiety is a disorder. Arranging things and cleaning the house is normal but repeatedly washing hands is OCD. So, every psychiatric problem has a neurobiological basis.

We have latest treatment for depression, best treatment for schizophrenia and treatment for anxiety disorders by Neurostimulation and biological therapy


  • We provide best ECT treatment in Ahmedabad with one of the most advanced Ultra Brief Pulse Therapy Instruments. Feel secure with a fully equipped ECT room with 24*7 psychiatrist, intensivist, anesthetist and highly trained support and nursing staff. We have separate ECT rooms for different types of diagnosis of patients as per their needs.ECT or electro convulsive Therapy is not shock treatment bit most advanced treatment of mental illness.
  • We conduct a detailed medical assessment to rule out any possible risks and even provide ECT for high-risk heart patients, cardiac pace maker patients, patients with renal or liver problems, epilepsy and other medical conditions in state of art Operation Theatre set up with expert anesthetists and doctors. Side effects of ECT can be headache, nausea, transient amnesia and mild body pains. We try to improvise our services to provide best ECT treatment with minimal hassles for the patients. Book an appointment now for evaluation and ECT now.

Ketamine Therapy

  • What is the new treatment in psychiatry? Did you know about Ketamine Therapy for depression?
  • Yes, now in Ahmedabad we provide the best ketamine treatment. A painless way with less medicines to manage mild to moderate depression and anxiety patients. Research has proved the power of ketamine infusion as a novel approach to treat mental health disorders.We will take care of you depression if you can take care of your own decisions for your mental health problems.
  • The Esketamine congener when given under infusion over a period of 45 to 90 minutes under controlled medical environment gives excellent outcomes in many treatments’ resistant patients. Chose pain free and minimal side effects treatment for depression now.