Happiness creates a Ripple effect.

When u throw a stone in the water, it creates ripples one after another. The first ones will be small and short-lived, but they’ll help change others and the later ones will be big enough and long lived.

Same way when you see yourself as a happy person at the centre of the ripples, right where the stone fell. You’re the starting point of your happiness and knowingly or unknowingly you end up spreading your happiness to people around you. They then pass it on to more and more people around creating a Happiness Ripple!

Be it at home or at your workplace, your performance amplifies with inner peace and joy. It is alarming if you feel low on your mood, easily irritable, frustrated and loaded with negative thoughts during most of the time. Get back the Joy & Happiness that you deserve by consulting a well known and experienced Happiness Consultant in Ahmedabad and a Corporate Happiness Trainer, Dr. Vidhi Patel Vaishnav.