The Art of Parenting

Earlier, people just used to be parents without really thinking very hard about it.

However, In the 20th century, we can see an explosion of the word “parenting” as a verb, and a multitude of styles of parenting to go with it. Parenting is an experience indeed and not just a duty.

One needs to understand that there’s nothing like a “perfect” parent, neither a child is perfect and like I always say being a Parenting Counsellor, that parenting never comes with a manual. Being a parent, one is bound to make mistakes and it is from these mistakes that one will learn more and more about how one needs to parent their child. Some of the common mistakes a parents knowingly or unknowingly make.

Parent Counselling in Ahmedabad
Parent Counselling in Ahmedabad

Parenting Mistakes:

  • Inconsistent Discipline
  • Lecturing the child
  • Not leading by example
  • Not spending Quality time with child
  • Comparing your child
  • Imposing your own aspirations on your child
  • Punishing a child for having feelings

Out of the various parenting styles we know like authoritarian, permissive, authoritative, neglectful – as a Practicing Child Psychiatrist in Ahmedabad, I often guide my patients that no single parenting style can suffice a child’s demands and give overall development at a given particular time. It is obvious that at one or the other stage of parenting, one would surely deal with across issues like:

  • Child Mood Swings in Children
  • Negative Thoughts in Teenagers
  • Exam Stress in Children
  • Exam Fear in Children
  • Break Up Problems in Teenagers
  • Panic Attacks in Teenagers close to their Puberty
  • Sleep Problem in children due to over usage of Gadgets
  • Anger Problem and Irritability in Teenagers

One needs to be a bit of all and it may vary depending on the child’s needs. So, adapting one particular style and sticking to it at all times is not going to help you as a parent. But understanding the needs of the child at the right time and accordingly changing your view and broadening your perspective as a parent may surely help you and your child. There should be a match between expectations, discipline and resilience-building strategies and children’s developmental age.

Feel free to connect for Parent Counselling and Child Counselling.

Parent Counselling in Ahmedabad